Outpatient Visits

You can get the information by calling on 051-8912006 and asking for respective clinical department

You can visit OPD Schedule at our website and / or confirm by calling 051-8912006

Yes, you can call on OPD numbers.

If available, the following shall be brought at the first appointment:

  • Medical records – past medical records pertinent to your diagnosis, such as x-rays, test results, and consultation reports 
  • Immunization records – an up-to-date record of immunizations.
  • A list of any allergies this includes food, medication and materials. 
  • Referral letters from General Practitioner (GPs) or any doctor (if applicable).

In case of appointment, one hour after the registration.

When you will arrive at the registration counter, you will be given a Medical Record Card along with registration slip.

On your second visit to AHPC, bring your Medical Record Card for your information retrieval. In case if you forget your Medical Record Card, give your name and cell number at the registration counter. Once the initial evaluation is made, your medical team will develop a management plan specifically for you. This plan will be explained to you in detail.

Reporting time depends upon the type of test being performed. Reports of simple procedures are available earlier while the more complex ones need more time. The reports will be available on line and can be collected from report collection units on the time communicated to you while the receipt was given to you; however it is advisable to confirm the pickup time for the test report collection from the relevant department. For information and queries: 051-8912006

For Visitors

Only two visitors at a time are permitted for each patient. Children under the age of 14 are not allowed to visit the patients. Our patients are more vulnerable to infections, so visitors with a cold, flu, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, rashes, fifth disease, head lice, chicken pox or other infection should wait until their condition has improved before visiting.

No jewelry or large sums of money. AHPC is not responsible for money or other valuables brought in by patients and families. Alcoholic beverages, weapons or illegal drugs are not tolerable in any area of the centre . Any visitor who brings these items to the clinic will be escorted out by a security guard and may be refused subsequent visiting privileges.

Keep a list of all the medications your patient takes, including herbal or nutritional supplements and vitamins. Bring a list of medications and reports to all your appointments. Include prescriptions, over-the-counter medications and dietary supplements like vitamins and herbs. Tell your doctor about drug allergies if known. Ask about side effects and what to avoid while taking the medication. Ask the pharmacist if the medicine looks different than one you previously used.